Latest Threads update includes a desktop application: 5 reasons this update won’t save it.

If Meta is hoping this Threads update will stop engagement from slowing down, I’m not so sure.

Threads update opens the door for desktop users

Meta is gearing up to unveil the long-awaited web version of its Threads app in the upcoming week, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal on Sunday. The Threads app made its debut in early July, and in just five days, it set a new record by amassing 100 million downloads faster than any other app. However, it has faced a significant decline, with approximately 85% of its daily active users dwindling, as reported by digital analytics firm SimilarWeb. Presently, Threads garners fewer than 10 million daily active users. In contrast, during July 2022, X boasted an impressive 238 million daily active users.

And while a desktop application will undoubtedly increase Threads accessibility, if we zoom in on the distribution of X users, we see that the majority of users use the mobile app, anyway.

This data shows the platform usage of monetizable daily average users platform distribution, which means bot-accounts are not included (data source: Estimating Twitter’s Bot-Free Monetizable Daily Active Users (mDAU) | Similarweb)

The addition of a web version to Threads could potentially enhance its competitive position, but I’m not so sure it will save the app from its whopping engagement decline. Here’s why.

5 reasons Threads app engagement rate has plummeted – and might not recover.

Hollow Followers Syndrome: In the beginning, everyone was on a following spree on the Threads app, making the network seem huge. But that initial excitement faded fast, and now the place feels pretty deserted. It’s like the numbers are more impressive than the actual activity.

Originality Gap: Threads is missing those key elements like hashtags and trending topics that really drive conversations on platforms like X. It’s tough to connect with like-minded folks and have in-depth discussions. Threads kind of feels isolated in this regard.

Relentless Posting Demands: Imagine being on a platform that’s losing steam but still being told to post constantly. It feels like a time investment that’s not paying off well. And that demand is leading to posts that lack authenticity.

Battle of the Platforms: Despite the grumbles about Facebook and other players like X/Twitter, and even with recent hiccups like Reddit’s blackouts, people are sticking to what they know. Old habits die hard! Plus, when it comes to Threads vs X users, I know I can hop onto X and find interesting takes on hot topics from people with unique and candid opinions – and I can’t get that on Threads.

Evolving Visual Landscape: The competition is getting stiffer as X keeps introducing new features to enhance visual and media experiences. They’re rolling out longer HD videos, easy video downloads, and a sleeker interface for sharing all sorts of mixed media. X is giving Threads’ focus on media-sharing a serious run for its money with these updates.

In light of these challenges, Meta’s introduction of the web version aims to rejuvenate Threads’ prospects and elevate its competitiveness in the evolving social media landscape. Do you think it’ll work?

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